Elementary Half day of school on Friday 11/8 and No School on Monday 11/11 due to Veterans Day (Note- we are moving home-school communication to Parent Square. Future Half Day announcements and reminders will no longer be posted to Facebook and instead posted to Parent Square. )
5 days ago, Brian Crawford
On November 7 and 8 elementary students in grades 1-6 will have a brief firearm safety presentation. The Eddie Eagle gun safety program teaches children to say "Stop! Don't Touch! Leave the Area! Tell an Adult!" if they see a gun: • Stop: Avoid the temptation to touch the gun and the risk of it being fired accidentally • Don't touch: Avoid touching the gun • Leave the area: Move away from the gun • Tell an adult: Inform an adult of the gun's presence
8 days ago, Brian Crawford
Tonight's playoff volleyball game vs CLV starts at 5:00pm!
8 days ago, Beth Colligan
No homework helpers today. Have a fun and safe Halloween. Thank you.
9 days ago, Brian Crawford
PORTVILLE CENTRAL SCHOOL ANNUAL ARTS, CRAFTS & ANTIQUE SHOW WHEN: Saturday, November 2nd – 10:00am to 5:00pm WHERE: Portville High School, 500 Elm Street, Portville, New York Admission Prices: Adults-$3, Sr. Citizens-$2, Students $2, and Children under age 5 are free 2024 is our 10th Year hosting the show – All proceeds go to both Elementary and High School Students in the form of awards and scholarships. There is an admission charge at the door to help benefit this fundraiser. There are 95 Vendors throughout the gymnasium, classrooms and in the halls on the 1st floor. There will be a concession stand for Breakfast and lunch selling homemade soups and sandwiches. Other vendors will be selling sweet treats, breads, jams, and a variety of dips and spices. There will be a basket raffle display. All baskets were made and donated by the Portville Central School Faculty, Staff, and Community Members. This will be held in the Gymnasium. Stop in any time from 10am to 5pm to see the wide variety of vendors and products for sale!
10 days ago, Nicole Ramsey
Arts, Crafts, and Antique Show Poster
Elementary News - We are moving to Parent Square as our home-school communication platform. Grades 7-12 will soon follow. Parent Square will replace individual classroom facebook pages in the near future. Parents of students in PK-6, if you do not receive an invitation via text/email by the end of this week or are having difficulty activating your account, please give our office a call on Monday 11/4.
12 days ago, Brian Crawford
Halloween Donations
15 days ago, Brian Crawford
The American Red Cross Blood Drive originally scheduled for Monday, November 4th is now taking place on Tuesday, November 5th. The Student Council is sponsoring the event which will be held from 8AM to 2PM in the HS Gymnasium. If any community members are interested in donating, please email iwelty@portvillecsd.org to reserve a time. You can also schedule your donation through the Blood Donor App, RedCrossBlood.org, or call 1-800-RED-CROSS. Please consider helping to save lives!!
16 days ago, Mike Torrey
Blood Drive Nov 5th,  2024
Elementary School - Halloween Spirit Week
17 days ago, Brian Crawford
Elementary Arrival Change Starting Tuesday 10/22 all PK-5 elementary students that arrive on campus between 7:15-7:30 will enter school via door B, also known as the breakfast door. This will eliminate students waiting in line outside our main entrance from 7:15-7:30. PK-5 students that arrive after 7:30 may use the main elementary doors as usual. No elementary students should be on campus prior to 7:15 am. Should you have any questions, please call the office.
19 days ago, Brian Crawford
Grade 1 and 2 Math and ELA After School Offering - See flyer below
24 days ago, Brian Crawford
Come take advantage of all that's available free to the community at the PCS Envisioneering Center! Bring your own project to work on or just come explore the opportunities. Tuesday, October 22nd from 5:30 to 8:00 pm.
about 1 month ago, Envisioneering Center
Community Night
Elementary half day release times - no school Monday
about 1 month ago, Brian Crawford
Elementary School Spirit Day this coming Friday - Reminder it is also a half day for PK-6
about 1 month ago, Brian Crawford
Get out and support the annual Pink Out Panthers Volleyball match Thursday October 3rd
about 1 month ago, Envisioneering Center
Pink Out
Picture Day Reminder
about 1 month ago, Brian Crawford
Elementary Picture Day
about 1 month ago, Brian Crawford
SCHOOL PICTURE DAY IS ALMOST HERE! PICTURES for both the HIGH SCHOOL and ELEMENTARY will be taken on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30TH. HS SPORTS PHOTOS will be also be taken on this day. All ordering will we be done online using INTER-STATE.COM/ORDER. Please refer to the follow codes: High School: 87855VB Elementary: 87856NT HS Sports: 90007FA
about 1 month ago, Cassondra Dick
The entire school district, grades Pre K through 12, will take part in a practice Lockdown Drill the week of September 30th. When the Lockdown Drill takes place we will send out a notification. Thank you for helping to keep our school community safe.
about 2 months ago, Larry Welty
The Envisioneering Center will be open to the public for Community Night on Wednesday, September 25th from 6-8 pm
about 2 months ago, Envisioneering Center
Community Night