PCS is currently experiencing phone issues. Specifically the main line (933-6000). If you need to reach the school please dial the HS @ 933-6005 or Elem @ 933-6045. We will post again when it's back up and running.
over 4 years ago, Mike Torrey
Correction!! The Lady Panthers Varsity Volleyball match is at 5:00. You'll have to get there a little earlier, don't worry a delicious hot dog and popcorn dinner will be available at the concession stand
over 4 years ago, Envisioneering Center
GET TO THE GAME!! Come out to support the Lady Panthers this Wednesday at 6:30 for the final regular season home game where they will be hosting Salamanca. It's senior night for the Panthers, show your support for another spectacular season, get there, get loud!!
over 4 years ago, Envisioneering Center
Olivia and Ali were busy today preparing merchandise for their business "Panther Woodworks & Designs" premiering at the the PCS Arts, Craft, & Antique Show. They had to take some time out for a PR interview...watch for the article in the Olean Times Herald!!
over 4 years ago, Envisioneering Center
Thank you Justin and Jean Smith for the awesome tour of the Rusty Rooster
over 4 years ago, Envisioneering Center
rusty rooster
Thank you Mr. Cole!
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
Kindergarten ABC Boot Camp Celebration!
over 4 years ago, Lynn Corder
What a great day for climbing!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
More cool pictures from today’s senior class’s climbing adventures!
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
Members of the senior class spent time on the Pierson Challenge Course today! 🍁☀️
over 4 years ago, Coralie McMahon
This morning we took part in a Lock Down Drill for grades 7-12. The drill is part of our District Safety Plan. Thank you for your understanding as we stay committed to keeping our students safe in the event of an emergency!
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
The drill is over and we are resuming our school day as usual.
over 4 years ago, Tom Simon
We are doing a lockdown drill in the Middle/High School. It will only last a few minutes. It is just a drill!
over 4 years ago, Tom Simon
Ali and Olivia made this awesome banner for their display at the Arts and Antiques show
over 4 years ago, Envisioneering Center
Sr. Financial Aid Meeting will be Wednesday, October 9 at 5:30 PM in the John Dubots Room. Refreshments provided
over 4 years ago, Michelle McCracken
Students spent the day at Dresser Rand, Mazza’s, MIT @ JCC, and St. Bonaventure!
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Students spent the day at Dresser Rand, Mazza’s, MIT @ JCC, and St. Bonaventure!
Students spent the day at Dresser Rand, Mazza’s, MIT @ JCC, and St. Bonaventure!
Students spent the day at Dresser Rand, Mazza’s, and St. Bonaventure!
Notice: Portville Elementary has a half day on Friday, October 4th with dismissal starting at approximately 11:00am. We will also be running a Lock-Down Drill on Friday morning as part of our District Safety plan. Teachers will be discussing the drill with our students beforehand. Thank you for your understanding as we need to be diligent in making sure everyone is prepared in case of emergencies.
over 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
😃The Morning Crew!!😃
over 4 years ago, Libby Stanton
over 4 years ago, Tom Simon
Mr. Brennan and Mr. Milne preparing for Chicken BBQ!
over 4 years ago, Larry Welty
Mr. Brennan and Mr. Milne preparing for Chicken BBQ!