Good Morning PCS Panthers…

 TODAY is Wednesday,  January 31st, 2024.                                         It is an “ A“  Day.


Attention Junior Class: There will be a class meeting during period X this Friday, February 2nd, in the Elementary cafeteria to pass out our next fundraising information.


The Junior High Academic team will not be meeting next Thursday. We will meet again next Thursday as regularly scheduled. Again the Academic Team meeting for Junior High is cancelled tomorrow.  See you next week!


This message is for ALL STUDENTS IN GRADE 7-12 …. If you would like to go see the Harlem Globetrotters in action THIS FRIDAY, February 2nd, …please sign up in the office TODAY .  See Mrs.  Sosnowski's in room (201) for permission slips and more information.


For those students that signed up for TRAP CLUB…..there is a Mandatory Safety meeting this Saturday, February 3rd at  9:30 a.m. to be held at the Portville Conservation Club.  The first practice is scheduled for Monday at 4:00 pm.   Details to follow.  


Attention aspiring chefs in grades 7-12. The next Culinary Club is on Wednesday, February 7th right after school. We will be baking Chewy Maple Cookies and Coconut Macarons.


ATTENTION 7TH AND 8TH  GRADERS!!! Get out your dancing shoes and come to the dance, just for you, on Friday, February 9th from 6:00-8:00 PM in the high school gym. Cost is $3 per person at the door and bring a little extra spending money for pizza and snacks. This fun event is brought to you by the Class of 2025. 


The Yearbook Club will be taking Group & Organization shots in the next couple of weeks. This is the schedule for this week:



Junior BOCES at 7:45AM

Senior BOCES at 11:20AM



Student Council at 7:45AM

International Club at 2:00PM

Academic Club at 2:10PM


All group photos will be taken in the LIBRARY.  Please report to the library 5 minutes before your scheduled time.  If you need to see schedules, they are hanging throughout the building. 


Now for your PCS Sports News….

Spring sports physical are Feb 7th , If you are planning on playing a spring sport and you need a physical, please sign up today in the nurse's office. 


"If you are interested in playing Modified or JV Baseball, please sign up outside of Mr. Pleakis' room."


Bowling results from last night's match against Hinsdale.

Boys 4-0 overall 34-26

Girls 0-4, overall 40-12

Emma Pinney bowled a 504 series

Kiyah Mohr bowled a 431 series

Milo Backus bowled a 350 series Next match is Friday against West Valley in Springville.