Good Morning PCS Panthers…

 TODAY is Thursday,   December 14th, 2023.             It is an “ F “  Day


Chorus lessons today are: 

pd 3-Ava

Pd 7-Paige and Hannah

Pd X- make-up lesson for Paul, Mitch, Kerri, Hali B, and Parker. 


There will be an International Club meeting on Tuesday, December 19th  in the HS library during period x. All members  welcome to attend!


 DO YOU WANT TO HELP OUT Orphan Dogs and Cats?   Art Adventures and Art 360 is still hoping for donations for our local shelters and you can help… we are accepting the following items in the high school main office. 

  • food
  • treats
  • collars
  • leashes
  • Newly or freshly  washed blankets and/or towels

Please consider helping.  


Now for PCS Sports:  

Here are the results from Monday's nights match against Catt/LV.

Boys 4-0, overall 4-8

Girls 4-0, overall 11-1



Emma Pinney 479 series

Kiyah Mohr 479 series

Milo Backus 374 series

Next match is Friday at Good Times against Genesee Valley.


The 7th graders lost a close game to West Valley Tuesday  night, 24-18.  Scoring for the Panthers were Izzy Snyder, Harley Weatherley, and Bri Painter each with 2 points, Lilly Everitt, Kylie Maedl and Myra Ueblhear each scored 4 points. Nice job girls. 


The 8th grade girls modified basketball team lost a close game last night vs Ellicottville 28-27. Scoring for the Panthers were Amelia Artlip, Marley Ueblhear, Laine Thompson and Alana Everitt each scored 2 points. Airianna Whittaker scored 9 and Allie Bray scored 10. Nice job girls