Good Morning Portville Panthers!

TODAY IS…Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

It is a “ D “  Day


Band lessons today are:

Period 1: Millie, Carli, and Ella

Period 2: Evelyn and Grace

Period 3: Ian Chamberlain

Period 7: Myra and Leon

Period 8: Sean and Micah

Period 9: Josiah and August


Chorus lessons today are:

Pd 5- Alto D’s


Art Adventures today after school. 2:45-3:45  If you plan to attend, please let Mrs. Van Curen know.


Attention students hoping to travel on the Costa Rica trip, If you have not enrolled, please do so soon as we will be reaching our initial limit of travelers. Enroll soon to avoid being waitlisted. Any questions, send a teams chat to Ms. Nolder. 


The PCS Drama Club presents "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" on November 17th, 18th, and 19th. Tickets are on sale now online or by stopping into Mrs. Maxson's room 120. Be there to see the Headless Horseman ride again! 


Attention all students and teachers: it's November which means it's time for the NHS canned food drive. Please bring in your donation of non-perishable food items to teachers' classrooms from now until Friday November 18. Every item helps a family in need. The Portville food pantry relies heavily on donations from this food drive to help our neighbors. Thank you for your support.


For those interested in trying out for JV or Varsity Girls Basketball, there will be an OPEN GYM today! from 6 to 7:30PM in the North Gym.  Any questions, please see Coach Welty.


Attention Students interested in participating in JV or VARSITY WRESTLING…. Please plan on attending a meeting today at 2:30 in the Lecture Hall.